Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Grad Parties, Bees, and Work, Oh my!

Ahhh, summer. A time to relax, unwind, and just enjoy not having anything to do.


Honestly, I'm just as busy as I am during the school year. Now I teach swimming lessons as well as lifeguard for my job, and during the school year, it's a weekly thing. But in the summer, it's EVERY DAY. Of course, I'm not going to post that much about work because I kinda want to keep my job, you know, just a little.

But it's not just work that I've been busy with. Now that a buttload of my senior friends have graduated, I'm going to their graduation parties. Now I've already missed quite a few, but that doesn't stop them from taking   a hug chunk of my day. Now there is so much food at grad parties, you could literally live off of them. Whenever I come home from a day of "grad partying," it's the same thing:


But I'm going to tell you about something even worse that being busy during the summer.

Wasps in my house.

Well, only two. That I know of. Anyway, I hate bees, wasps, and basically anything with stingers. It just freaks me out. Also, the moment I see a sting, my perception of the bug changes immediately:

Another thing is that we don't kill the bugs we find in our house. We catch them and then let them go outside. So even if there was a bug like this:

We would just capture it, and then release it back into the world, where it could kill more innocent people.

Back to wasps.

When we first discovered the wasp in our house, we couldn't catch it, because it was on the ceiling. But we still kept track of it so that we would be able to catch it once it leaves its spot on the ceiling.

Well guess what?

We lost it.

Instantly, I became super paranoid.

To make matters worse, every time someone in the family discovered the wasp in a spot where it was convenient to catch it, that someone was me. And every time I found a wasp, it was in the bathroom.

So, all in all, a good start of the summer.

Fun Fact: I wrote this blog post more than a week ago and was too lazy to make the pictures until now.

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