Saturday, February 25, 2012

Potatoes-The Toes of a Pota

HOLY POOP! I need to make a post right now!

Sidenote, when I typed the words "'holy poop," this was the thought that immediately entered my head:


So yesterday I auditioned for the school show, "A Chorus Line":

And personally, I thought it went really well. Something really cool was that the dance auditions were done in the same order as the auditions are done in the show. To be honest, I couldn't really pick out who would or wouldn't make it into the show, since we literally had some of the most talented people in our grade audition. Our director is going to have a pickle trying to figure this one out.

After the audition, I went directly to work. I'm a lifeguard, and my job can basically be summed up here:

Just Kidding. I'm a pretty nice lifeguard...but it's what I'm thinking, though.

I was on tumblr the other day, when I came across this picture:

Honestly, it's the greatest thing in the WORLD.

Speaking of potatoes, whenever I hear someone say "potatoes," I always like to say "Pota Toes" back at them. I realized that this sounded like I was referring to the toes of a creature I made up called the "Pota":

Potas are now my best friend.

Writing about the Pota reminded me of the great post I read on Hyperbole and a Half about the "Alot." Read it here.

1 comment:

  1. This is fantastic! I hope you got a sweet role in the show, Lahiru.

    Potatoes gotta potate.
