Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Grad Parties, Bees, and Work, Oh my!

Ahhh, summer. A time to relax, unwind, and just enjoy not having anything to do.


Honestly, I'm just as busy as I am during the school year. Now I teach swimming lessons as well as lifeguard for my job, and during the school year, it's a weekly thing. But in the summer, it's EVERY DAY. Of course, I'm not going to post that much about work because I kinda want to keep my job, you know, just a little.

But it's not just work that I've been busy with. Now that a buttload of my senior friends have graduated, I'm going to their graduation parties. Now I've already missed quite a few, but that doesn't stop them from taking   a hug chunk of my day. Now there is so much food at grad parties, you could literally live off of them. Whenever I come home from a day of "grad partying," it's the same thing:


But I'm going to tell you about something even worse that being busy during the summer.

Wasps in my house.

Well, only two. That I know of. Anyway, I hate bees, wasps, and basically anything with stingers. It just freaks me out. Also, the moment I see a sting, my perception of the bug changes immediately:

Another thing is that we don't kill the bugs we find in our house. We catch them and then let them go outside. So even if there was a bug like this:

We would just capture it, and then release it back into the world, where it could kill more innocent people.

Back to wasps.

When we first discovered the wasp in our house, we couldn't catch it, because it was on the ceiling. But we still kept track of it so that we would be able to catch it once it leaves its spot on the ceiling.

Well guess what?

We lost it.

Instantly, I became super paranoid.

To make matters worse, every time someone in the family discovered the wasp in a spot where it was convenient to catch it, that someone was me. And every time I found a wasp, it was in the bathroom.

So, all in all, a good start of the summer.

Fun Fact: I wrote this blog post more than a week ago and was too lazy to make the pictures until now.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Stop Counting Crayons, and Starting Drawing a Picture

That's it.

They're gone.

And I have no idea when I'll see them again.

Thursday was the last day for the seniors at school. It was always sad to see some of the people you look up to go, but that was nothing compared to this year. Not only were this year's seniors people that I had looked up to, but they were people that I was friends with, that I had personal connections with, that I loved. Walking into school today and seeing all those wonderful people gone...was just...unreal.

Not only that, when we walked into school today, we were the oldest kids in the school. That was even weirder. Suddenly I felt that accelerated aging feeling that I felt before. If you don't remember/know what I'm talking about, then I must bring back the picture of me as an old person.

WHOA. Way off subject. Anyway, today we had a speaker talk to all of us juniors on how to make senior year fantastic. He was absolutely fantastic. One of his quotes was actually the title of this post. His speech was really inspiring, because he told us how to be seniors. Have fun, live a little, just don't be stupid about it.

Well, our grade kind of failed that last part.

See, on the seniors' last day, they have this tradition of charging down freshman floor. I know this for a fact, because I was on freshman floor my freshman year when it happened. It looked a little something like this:

Well, apparently, the juniors, now being the oldest in the school, thought that it would be appropriate for them to charge the hallways between classes the day we had our speaker. I did not participate in the charge, and I'm glad, for during lunch, the following announcement came across the speaker system.

You could tell that they were pissed, I mean, security cameras!?!?! All those rumors about the security cameras in our school not working, are apparently false.

I think that this is when the phrase, "sucks to suck" plays itself appropriately here.

Honestly, I don't see the point in doing it at all. First of all, we aren't seniors yet, and not that you've gotten suspended for thinking you are, you're starting to look pretty dumb (Fact: about 60 kids were suspended that day, and the number is grew since I last heard). Secondly, I get that you're excited to be seniors, but couldn't you at least wait until next Thursday? We still have a week of school left, for crying out loud.

Needless to say, I'm a little peeved at my grade.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

I will Carpe YOUR Diem!!

Hey guys...

What? Don't give me that look! I know, I know, I haven't blogged in a long time. Like a REEEEEEEALLY long time. But that's okay! Because what matters, is that I haven't forgotten about it! I'll blog when I get the chance, but I probably won't be able to blog as often as I did before...or maybe I will...who knows? Does it really count as blogging if I start every post with "SORRY I HAVEN'T POSTED IN A LONG TIME AHHHH!!!"

Exactly, which is why I didn't start this post like that.

Anyway, seeing as I am on my blog now, I should probably update you about what's been going on. Well first of all, A Chorus Line is over. I t was one of the greatest experiences of my life, and I will never regret it, but life goes on.

I also tried out for the summer show for a local theatre company, the Blue Water Theatre Company, and got it!  Their summer show is Guys and Dolls, and the director of the company, Mr. Leonard, seems pretty awesome, so I'm sure it will be a lot of fun.

In other good news, I took the ACT recently, and I got a 33! I don't think I can sum up how happy I am about that in words, so I won't.

I would love to tell you that the weather here has been lovely, but if I were, then I would be lying to each and every one of your ugly faces. Not gonna lie, I like hearing the thunderstorms and seeing the lightning flash outside, and so do a lot of people. The problem is, everyone seems to think that he or she is the only one that can see the rain, so they feel the need to tell everyone on Facebook or Twitter that it is raining.

I mean, you wouldn't do that in real life, would you?

No, no you wouldn't. It's raining, we get it. Now SHUT UP.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day Miracle

So here I am, at 2:21, writing my blog, a minute after school has ended.

But wait.

I didn't go to school today.

You know why?

Cuz we had a freaking SNOW DAY.

That's right, I'll say it to you again: we. had. a. snow. day. WE NEVER HAVE SNOW DAYS! I was eating my breakfast, when I heard the name of our school district on the news. I couldn't believe my ears. I ran to the TV, grabbed the remote, and rewound, pushed "play," rewound, pushed "play," rewound, and pushed "play" again.

I couldn't believe it. A FREAKING SNOWDAY. I would have gone back up to go to sleep, but i was far too excited:

Clearly, so was everybody else. I had logged on to Facebook and Twitter to find that my news feeds were already flooded with "YAY IT'S A SNOW DAY" statuses and tweets. It truly was something to celebrate, as we haven't had a snow day in 5 years...which is ridiculous since we live in minneSNOWta. (Sorry, I know a lot of Minnesotans hate that joke, but I had to make it.)

In other news, I got callbacks for Paul, one of the characters in "A Chorus Line." It's pretty exciting, but as one of my friends wisely advised me, I shouldn't get my hopes too high. After all, it'll only make having them crushed hurt more. Anyway, Paul has a really emotional monologue. You basically have to be crying at the end, and lemme tell ya, it's hard. A great audition for Paul can be found here. But I am feeling pretty good about it. There were two times where I was able to fully emotionally connect:

Well, I'm going to go be a fatty, practice my monologue, watch SMASH, or whatever the hell else I want to do.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Potatoes-The Toes of a Pota

HOLY POOP! I need to make a post right now!

Sidenote, when I typed the words "'holy poop," this was the thought that immediately entered my head:


So yesterday I auditioned for the school show, "A Chorus Line":

And personally, I thought it went really well. Something really cool was that the dance auditions were done in the same order as the auditions are done in the show. To be honest, I couldn't really pick out who would or wouldn't make it into the show, since we literally had some of the most talented people in our grade audition. Our director is going to have a pickle trying to figure this one out.

After the audition, I went directly to work. I'm a lifeguard, and my job can basically be summed up here:

Just Kidding. I'm a pretty nice lifeguard...but it's what I'm thinking, though.

I was on tumblr the other day, when I came across this picture:

Honestly, it's the greatest thing in the WORLD.

Speaking of potatoes, whenever I hear someone say "potatoes," I always like to say "Pota Toes" back at them. I realized that this sounded like I was referring to the toes of a creature I made up called the "Pota":

Potas are now my best friend.

Writing about the Pota reminded me of the great post I read on Hyperbole and a Half about the "Alot." Read it here.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

"Hi! I'm Rapidly Aging Man!"

The above quote was said by my wonderfully strange friend, Allison. I still don't know the context of this quote, but it suits this post really well.

I decided to make another post just before the end of my weekend because yesterday I went to a dance at my school. When I got there, who should I see but my lovely AP Composition teacher:

Haha just kidding, her eyes weren't growing THAT red.
Anyway, I decided to take Ms. Prokott's subtle hint and update my blog again.

Today I updated for high school classes for the last time. After logging off the registration site, that's when it hit me:

I'm going to be a senior.

HOLY CRAP!! I'm getting older! Pretty soon I'm going to be in college! Then I'm going to get even older and get married! And have kids! And next thing you know I'll be an old man slowly disintegrating into a pile of dust!

I have no idea why the old me is making pooping sounds in this picture.


So I've been thinking about how often I'm going to be updating this blog. To be honest, the only times where I'll have time to make full posts, like with pictures and everything, will be during the weekend. So if I ever update this blog during the week, they'll probably be short posts with just words. Just like this one.

This Week

Hey guys.

So I was on Facebook the other day when I saw this status:

This status totally described my life at the moment. This week has felt so freaking long, and so stressful, it's kind of ridiculous.

Anyway, I was originally going to title this post "I HATE EVERYTHING!!" because I ended up using that phrase a lot this week:

Sidenote: I actually did end up chucking my calculator across the room. But then I ended up checking on it because it was an 80 dollar calculator. Totally ruined the angsty mood.

Another sidenote: This happened multiple times throughout the week. By Friday, I was ready to throw that table across the room, too.

So yeah, that was my week. It wasn't really that bad, but with one little frustration after the other, I was a time bomb ready to blow.